What are you looking for?

We are a consulting company and we provide customized software solutions for businesses and customized upskilling programs for our clients.

How can we help you?

We enable businesses to go online with our customized software solutions. We empower the workforce with our customized upskilling programs in different areas such as API Development and Testing on Java Springboot and NodeJS Platforms, Python, Machine Learning, R-Programming and Database systems such as MongoDB and T-SQL

Agile team



Clean code

Quality software


Cost effective

Transparent & honest


Our latest projects

Our area of expertise spans across a wide spectrum. We specialize in Software Development, Upskilling and Training. As a part of our training activities, we conduct workshops and outreach events in the field of Astronomy, Astrophotography, Programming and Artificial Intelligence

Have a project or an upskilling program you'd like to talk about?

We can help!